A walking tour of Potsdam's old town, Sanssouci Park and the Dutch Quarter
Enjoy the city's finest
The old garrison town of Potsdam forms a wonderful contrast to Berlin. Far off the bustle of Germany's capital, Potsdam beckons with a highly idyllic retreat.
The city harmoniously blends beautiful villas, the old town (perfect for an afternoon's walk) with the biggest existing conglomerate of Dutch style houses outside of the Netherlands. Plenty of gardens, castles and lakes accomplish its unique mixture.
Our Walking Tour of Potsdam starts at the main station. Our first place of interest is only a stone's throw away on the other side of the Havel river: The site of the city palace that was destroyed during the war. A keen reconstruction of the palace and the Italian style square is currently underway. In Berlin a similar project was brought on the way, like they say, great minds think alike, only that Potsdam has already set the ball rolling.
In the adjacent area we will find one of the last remaining palace wings, the royal stable (Marstall). Through medieval alleys we go to see the new market (Neuer Markt) and the 18th-century stables designed for the royal carriage horses.
Definitely a highlight of our Walking Tour Potsdam: The 18th-century Rococo style avenue with its fully preserved cobblestone paving.
Back in the days when Potsdam was still swampland, the Bassinplatz (basin square) was the city's catch basin for excess water.
Frederic the Great had high hopes that flows of Dutch immigrants would come into his city to work and live in the Dutch Quarter. Well, his hopes were deceived, but the beautiful houses of the Dutch Quarter remain on.
Our Walking Tour Potsdam leads us to the Nauener Gate, a remainder of Potdam's old town wall and straight on through hidden back yards into the Old Town with its minuscule mansions. These houses accommodated the soldiers of the King's life guard, the Langen Kerls, or tall lads, renowned for their extraordinary body size.
It fits a bit oddly among all the beauty of Potsdam's old town, but it's nevertheless worth a visit: The former Stasi's political prison.
Beyond the Brandenburg Gate, the older namesake of the iconic gate in Berlin, lies the high point of our Walking Tour
Potsdam: The majestic Sanssouci Palace and the Royal Park surroundings.
Please allow enough time to explore the area by yourself when planning the tour – It'll be worth it.
An entertaining and joyful tour packed with history. Duration: 2.5 - 3 hrs.
Fascinating architecture, beautiful parks and majestic palaces make our Potsdam Walking Tour exceptional and exciting.